Wednesday, April 11, 2007

First Day....Failure????

Well, today started off well enough. After I dropped the kids off at school I went to the grocery. That trip went well, plenty of the prescribed foods. Then Andre said that he felt like crab (you don't have to ask me twice; it is seafood any way). So we went back. One pound of crab and all the makings of peanut sauce later we were on our way back home. (Peanuts are nuts too.) Anyway, I am sure that you want the low down by now. Here it is. (BTW- All in all it isn't as bad as it could have been. Progress is still progress. Tomorrow is a new day.)

Breakfast- WW pita (1/2), hummus, 4 slices of LEAN deli pork roast, bean sprouts, tomato- 6 oz pineapple/orange/banana juice
Snack- 4oz soy chai protein drink (no sugar added)
Lunch- 1/3-1/2 Cup of crab meat (horrible pre-frozen mush- not worth the guilt) w/ melted Smart Balance- spinach salad, shredded carrots & balsamic vinaigrette, tea
Snack- 7 wheat thins, 1/2 cantaloupe, 1/4C pecans, 1 can of Coke Zero
AND DINNER- iceberg lettuce, boiled chicken breast, peanut sauce
There's more- 3 bite size snickers

So not enough fruit and vegetables and NO WATER. BAD BAD BAD. But there is always tomorrow. I would like to think that I will get up and go walking in the morning. So tomorrow, water, water and more water. Perhaps an all fruit Jamba; the papaya all juice smoothie is really good. And I don't like tropical fruit. And Thai vegetable/tofu soup. No egg rolls. We'll see.

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