Friday, April 13, 2007

I'm Hungry!

I'm hungry...or more just want to have a snack just because...dam shame isn't it.

Once you get on a diet, then you start seeing and smelling all these crazy baked goods and sweets, knowing you can't have them. But you 'd be proud, I resisted....even after walking my nieces to the movie theatre and passing Coldstones and Ben & Jerry's. Lord, that took prayer, but I did it.

As far as no sugar, no dairy, no meat goes...
Today I had 2 power size orange juice carrot juice blends, avocado rolls, cashews, dried strawberries, bananas, and apples and 4 16 oz. bottles of water.

Now -- What's for dinner?


green eyed monster said...

Last night on the way home, out of the kindness of my heart, I called andre to see if he would like a frosty from wendy's or a blended coffee (like the one that scott and tracy bought last week). So sweet. Well, the line was too long at Wendy's, so it was much easier for me to get out of the car and leave Boo to walk into the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Well, I ordered two drinks. One the way home I had a sip, then felt guilty and put the coffee in the fridge. (It was helpful that I didn't order the right drink.) I think a success over all.

Recovering Sugar Addict said...

How do you make avocado rolls?