Monday, April 23, 2007

Migraine Monday

Well today I did really good. I had a original size matcha green tea mist, mediterranean salad for lunch (it had a little feta) w/ tomatoes, kalmata olives, red onions and a vinagrette. (I think that I can re-create it at home.) And for dinner an Amy's mexican casserole (I am addicted.), watermelon and spaghetti squash. (I made chicken and was planning on having some, it was baked, but it smelled wierd to me. Not like it was going bad. But it didn't smell yummy.)

I did have a migraine in the afternoon. So I slept instead of ate my way through the time before dinner. That helped.

With that said Andre just made a run to foster's freeze. I wll let you know how that turns out.

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