Thursday, April 19, 2007

Remember to take your vitamins...

Remember to take your vitamins. I stopped taking my prenatal vitamins since my supply dried up and I am no longer breast feeding...I've definitely noticed a difference. Those vitamins were the bomb, so I'll need to get a replacement ASAP.

Yesterday I had:

1 cup of coffee w/ soymilk and splenda
1 orange juice carrot juice blend
Snow peas carrots and steamed tofu w/ brown rice
Plain ice tea
Water, water, water
Dried lychee fruit
Water, water, water

I think if we try to stick to this diet just to loose the initial weight we want to get rid of and then modify the diet later once we reach our goal, it will work out they way we want it to. That way we can all be look'n cute at Arretta's graduation dinner...yes the dinner we will be get'n our grub on at WITH NO LIMITATIONS!!!

What's on the menu anyway? I want to know what I have to look forward to.

Look how fat my face is these days, but its all worth it cuz my baby is too cute! Hahahaha! Ok, I'll stop finding ways to post pictures of my gorgeous baby! Heheheheh!

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