Wednesday, April 25, 2007

two weeks and counting

Well, today makes two weeks on.......our new healthy eating plan? God Diet? Anyhow, I lost 1 (one, uno, ein) more pound. But I am not as sleepy as I usually am. I feel much lighter; even though I have only lost 3 pounds total. (At this rate I will be done in the next 3 to 5 years.) But, this is with "cheating". I had had dairy and sugar. But in limited amounts. Overall, I am eating more in line with how I know I should. So, I am thinking that I can stick with it. Meat has been smelling really gross to me. That has really been most helpful. Yesterday, I drove through Mc Donald's and did NOT get a mushroom swiss burger. It kind of grossed me out when I saw the picture. (That was creepy.)

Additionaly, I think that my skin looks better. I haven't had as many break outs. Not even after getting waxed. And my skin tone is better too. As proof, yesterday, a man that wasn't that much older than me called me "young lady". AND, there is more. The lady at the Clinique counter (today) said that I didn't need to use the moisturizer that I have been using. Since I don't have any wrinkles or signs of age. (I am sure that she was exaggerating. A very little bit.)

All in all, I think we are all doing good. So keep on truckin'.

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