Monday, April 30, 2007

well, well, well

Ok, so i haven't posted in......sometime. Everything is going ok. Especially since I decided this was how I NEEDED to live my life. So, if I have macaroni and cheese or shrimp wontons it isn't the biggest deal. I know that this will slow down how quickly I lose weight but I think that I will be able to stick with it by not being so restrictive.

This weekend I went to a block party, and didn't have a hamburger or hot dog. (They looked good, but I didn't even feel tempted.) Last week was ok. I think this week I will work on not having any fried food. (Work on. But the shrimp might call my name at the Season Thai.) But after a month (right?) of eating better, taking my vitamins, cutting back on soda and caffein, etc. I am not as sleepy (usually I am sleepy all the time; I am also trying to get to bed by 10:30 or 11), my skin looks lots better (I was told I looked college age or 24 at the oldest this weekend. I know I told you both already. But it is part of my point. Even if the people may have been far sighted.) AND AS OF TODAY I LOST 5 LBS. (only 95 more to go)

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